Business Turnarounds
A turnaround specialist enters a company with a fresh eye and complete objectivity. We can spot problems that may not be visible to company insiders, or even lenders, and then implement solutions. Turnaround managers have no political agenda or other obligations to bias the decision-making process. This allows them to take sometimes unpopular, yet necessary, steps required for a company’s survival. A turnaround manager’s experience within a particular industry is less important than experience in crisis situations when a company is facing bankruptcy or the loss of millions of dollars in revenue.
Like an emergency room doctor, a turnaround professional must make critical decisions quickly to staunch the financial bleeding and give a patient the best chance for recovery. Operating in the eye of the storm, a turnaround specialist must deal equitably with angry creditors, frightened employees, wary customers, and a nervous board of directors. Clearly, this is no assignment for the faint-hearted. Our turnaround specialists are based in Troy, Michigan, and are well trained to accomplish these goals and have been involved in the various aspects of Corporate Renewal for 30 years. There are many types of consultants with varying degrees of experience, background, and training.
Loan Workouts
If your company has a loan in default, or about to default, hiring a professional will help you save thousands of dollars if you act timely. We specialize in resolving troubled loans promptly without spending a fortune on attorneys. We will work with our clients to make sure we are always on the same page and to find the best solutions for all parties. Often that involves restructuring the debt with the goal of moving loans back to a performing status. Our firm specializes in business loan workouts. We are based in Troy, Michigan, and remain on the cutting edge of workout strategy and the related litigation issues. We are well informed and continually adapt to the ever-changing world of federal regulatory guidelines, the economy, and today’s unique marketplace opportunities. We want to maximize whatever opportunities may exist in your workout.
Let us bring some professional credibility to the table for you. We’re highly competent at matching a company’s capabilities with a lender’s needs. Our extensive experience in negotiating equitable solutions with creditors will work for you. With 25 years of experience negotiating solutions between debtors and lenders, we are extremely well prepared to negotiate practical and realistic solutions for all parties. We don’t waste time or money with unnecessary “consulting” hours. We spend our time arriving at and quickly implementing, a workable solution.