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Business Optimization

Business Optimization is one of the many ways that we help our clients overcome their business concerns and frustrations in regards to their company’s growth and development. Our firm is based in Troy, Michigan, and offers business mentoring services to clients across Southeastern Michigan. We work with our clients on the following:

Profit Enhancement

(Immediate improvements in cash flow & profitability)

Increase Cash Flow Today

For many companies, uncertainty about cash flow is a major issue. Our certified advisors will analyze your cash flow and point out significant and immediate opportunities to improve the business’s cash situation. We will then show you:

    • How to easily manage your cash flow
    • An easy and accurate 13-week cash projection tool
    • Eliminate, prioritize or reschedule payments
    • Accelerate collections, collect delinquent accounts and new collection/credit model
    • How to convert non-earning assets to cash

Immediate Techniques to Increase Market Value

We will show you:

    • How to reduce or refinance bank loans
    • The best structure of capital and debt for your business
    • If necessary, we can negotiate reductions in trade debt and;
    • If necessary, we can negotiate reductions in bank debt and payments

Management Optimization

(Going from good, to better, to great.)

Unless they are professional managers, most entrepreneurs grow their businesses to the point where common-sense management ends and professional management begins. During this transition, day-to-day management can easily consume most of their time. So, they end up doing less of what they did to build their business and make money. Management paralysis, bad strategy, and bad decisions are common at this point. The stress of trying to learn new skills and balancing work and family obligations can be overwhelming.

Our business management system (process) produces a business that runs efficiently, with sustainable margins, predictability, and appropriate controls. Getting your business to the point that it runs like a Swiss watch without your daily involvement is a process, but, it is definitely achievable. First, however, the business leader must gain control of the business. Our broadly experienced and certified consultants will work along-side you throughout this process. We will help you to create:

    • A Simple Strategic Model for Your Business
    • A Three to Five Year Strategic Growth Plan
    • Easy to Use Quarterly Management Action Plans
    • A Simple Financial System Providing Actionable Management Information
    • Leadership Systems
    • Talent Management Systems
    • Critical and Efficient Operations Tools and Systems


(How do you compare to the rest of your industry?)

Business Optimization Why should a company even care about benchmarking? Well, if a horse is running a race by itself, it will win every time; and we all like receiving the big trophy. Unfortunately, commerce is anything but a single-horse race, and even a personal best doesn’t necessarily secure the big trophy or land a new, big client. In each industry, there are many other competitors, and globalization will only make the race closer in the near future. Knowing where a company ranks in the race—before the starting bell, halfway through the race, and right before its conclusion—makes it easier for management to change its methods and influence the company’s final position (if there is a “final position” at all in business).

Our benchmarking services will use objective metrics of success (Key Performance Indicator’s) that are easy to assess and measure and can also be modified by management decisions. These measures of success, which are often financial, can be benchmarked or compared to a company’s peer group to give the business an idea of how its performance positions it in the race. Benchmarking the financial performance of a business against that of its peers is an important aspect of running and growing a business. Our advisors will walk you through the process and show you where we start the procedure of financial benchmarking, how we evaluate the data to be used, how we select which financial metrics to measure over time, and which resources can help with the process.

(Click to learn more about benchmarking)

Business Assessments

(Where are you now and where are you headed?)

It is critical to know how to interpret data realistically and in context. That is why it is important to work with an experienced and certified advisor to understand what the data is telling him. We believe in a holistic approach to corporate renewal and improvement. With that in mind, we study the big picture and the details when we look at a client company. We will provide you with easy to understand reports that clearly tell you:

    • What is your business worth today?
    • What is your real financial condition (In English!)?
    • How to easily increase your cash flow
    • What is the right amount of debt for your business?
    • What should you be paying attention to right now, next year, and beyond?
    • How to get more money for your business (i.e., increase market value)
    • What exposure does your business have to realistic threats?
    • How much cash should your business have on hand?
    • What is the right amount of debt for your business?
    • How many employees should you have?
    • What is the best and easiest way to grow your company?

(Click for more information on our Financial Insights Reports)

Guiding & Implementing

Of course, we provide you with the results of our assessment. But, we take it farther than most “business consultants” or “executive coaches”. We spend the time to review our assessment reports with you and make sure you understand the valuable “take-aways.” If you wish, we will continue to work with you, guiding you as you plan and begin to implement your vision. We will help you to regain control of your time and your business while providing tools to help you and your business achieve your long-term goals!


As you encounter day-to-day business problems and need advice we will be there for you, your key managers and/or your successors. Whether you need to conduct a comparative what-if analysis or need advice on how decisions will affect cash flow, just pick up the telephone. We have a business model too and it revolves around the long-term success of our clients! Our business mentoring and benchmarking services can help optimize your company to promote growth and development. Our firm is based in Troy, Michigan, and serves clients across Southeastern Michigan.

Are you looking for immediate improvements in your business situation?

Contact us today and see how we can work with you to get your business back on track!